Support Philomusica Aberystwyth

Become a Friend

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Download Friends Membership & Gift Aid Form


Please could you complete the form and return it to . . . .

Donations can be made via cheque or preferably by Standing Order to . . . .  

   Account Name  :  Philomusica of Aberystwyth
            Sort Code  :  20 18 41
Account Number :   60706949

Please can you include your Name and the word "Friends" when filling in the
reference section. Thank you. 


Philomusica would like to thank you for your help and support and will keep you
updated on Events, Concerts and Performances. throughout the year. We look
forward to seeing you there.   

We are sorry but at the moment donations cannot be accepted through the website.
We hope to rectify this in the not too distant future

Donations cannot be made:
  • The donations handler position is not set in the website configuration

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2024 Philomusica Aberystwyth